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Self-Care Friday: Finding Your Routine


It’s self-care Friday, which means I want to share a story with you about the importance of establishing a self-care routine, even if it seems too hard. I have a friend who was going through a hard time in her life. She was feeling overwhelmed and was also having a tremendous amount of anxiety.

After exploring different possibilities of how to get rid of her anxiety, she decided to start going to the gym a few days a week. When the anxious energy starting to overwhelm her, she would go to the gym. Well, the few days a week that she intended on going to the gym ended up being almost every day. This was because she realized that on the days she worked out, she was less anxious. She also discovered that working out gave her more energy and patience for her children.

Another result she enjoyed was that she lost 60 pounds in just eight months. Making time to work out can seem difficult, but sometimes the actions we think will be the hardest to take end up being the best decisions we have made for ourselves.

Taking time for yourself through self-care practices can bring the energy you need to your life. If working out isn’t the type of self-care you want to explore, visit our Growing Pains pages for more ideas for incorporating self-care into your daily routine.


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